Visualise, Analyse & Secure Your Network Traffic

Monitor your network from anywhere at any time – without having to invest in new technology or hire more staff members. You'll never need to worry about downtime again. All you need is an internet connection and a web browser!

SD-WAN Router across map of the world with many different devices in a circle

Netify is a powerful, cloud-based network management system.

Netify analyzes data from your agent, to provide insights into your network's performance. It helps you identify potential cybersecurity breaches and other issues before they become major problems.

Identify, Track & Classify Your Apps & Endpoint Devices

If you want to know more about the devices connected to your network or if you are looking for a way to identify and secure unknown devices, then Netify is the perfect tool for you!

Map holding tablet with network graph

Simplified Network Analysis

Netify’s machine learning algorithms simplify network traffic analysis and filter out noise to highlight what matters most.

Your Data Protection

Netify ensures that all network activity is transparent and protected with crypto-gaps between data silos.

Better Business

Netify gives businesses the power to make data-driven decisions, harnessing their own networks' potential.


Your Premium Cloud Network
Management System

Device Discovery

Netify is always on and constantly monitoring for new devices. It classifies them automatically, to identify their type with 100% user privacy in mind!

Application Detection

With the machine learning engine, identify apps in use on the network. With dynamic signatures and historical archives, track activity without sacrificing security!

Risk & Reputation

The machine learning engine is constantly analyzing network flows and devices, identifying every threat. You'll be alerted to any risky behavior to reduce risk.

Connection Tracking

Track every single connection being made. Archive all flow metadata drill down to get detailed information on user types with weak SSL/TLS versions and ciphers!

Bandwidth Monitoring

Eliminate VoIP calls from breaking up. Find devices on your network that consume bandwidth. View Geolocation reports about users & their devices in real-time and historical.


Identify where connections are being. Heat maps show any anomalies, such as unusual traffic patterns or data usage outside of boundaries that may incur additional fees for service.

DPI Engine

File-sharing isnt the only protocol that Netify DPI engine can detect, but video and audio streaming services as well as 190+ protocols. Your protected from a range of threats.

Granular Analytics

With granular analytics you'll get insights into what's happening on the network. With Ai you'll be able to transform local DPI metadata into high level intel & visibility everywhere!


Other Features & Benefits

Real-time Device Discovery and Alerting
Granular Drilll Down Reports
Identify Phishing Attempts
Discover Weak SSL/TLS & Ciphers
Auto classification of Device Type
User-Provided Data is 100% encrypted
Identify Excessive Bandwidth Users
Auto-Discover 190+ Protocols
Map Flows to an App - Encrypted Traffic
Role-Based Access Controls
Networking Routing Policies
Heatmaps Show Traffic Anomalies

Ready To Start?
Partner with us today to unlock new markets through the power of the Cloudtexo eco-system.